
From Useful to Useful Again

      On top of being a regular phone, smart phones can act as a camera, a voice recorder, an alarm clock, a game console device, an MP3 player, PDA, as well as be able to connect to the internet like regular laptops.  So many people have smart phones and only have to keep track of one wire.  For me, I still own a simple cell phone.  I have a point-and-click camera and a 3DS with their own individual chargers and USB connector.  I needed a way to organize these wires so they don't wind up "inseparable".

This should keep them from tangling.

       I got this idea from my brother who has a shoebox with toilet paper tubes storing his individual wires.  I thought I could do the same, but decorate it too.  Here's a tutorial for anyone curious as to how my cousin and I went about it.


Tube Containers

We forgot the scissors.  And other things.


  • toilet paper tubes
  • scissors
  • pencils and eraser
  • markers and colored pencils
  • glue
  • construction papers


  1. Cut a construction paper evenly in half hot-dog style.
  2. Hotdog styleHotdog style
  3. Cut the same construction paper evenly in half again, hamburger style.  The length of the paper should be enough to cover a single toilet paper tube.
    Hamburger style
  4. Fold the paper in half.  Crease the fold and then unfold the paper.
    It's the easier steps.
  5. Fold one end of the paper to the middle and then crease it.
    A little more difficult, I guess.
  6. Do the same to the other side and then fold the whole thing in half.
    Sweating yet?Almost there!

    Thank goodness that's over!
  7. Using a pencil, draw a design you want to cut out.  I used half circles on the edge to create full circles when the paper is unfolded.  
    I added hearts to the other edge.
  8. Cut out the design and then unfold the paper.
    Be carefulIt turned out nice!
  9. I layered the paper on top of another that was not designed, then glued them together.
    Orange seems like a nice background color.I haven't experimented with liquid glue.

    The papers are a bit stiff.
  10. Using markers and colored pencils I decorated the papers.  You can use whatever decorations you'd like (stickers, collage, etc.). 
    It came out well! :D
  11. After decorating it, glue the construction papers to the toilet paper tube. If you're using a glue stick, make sure to tie a rubber band around the whole tube and wait a day before removing the band.  This will ensure that the glue dries on the tube and won't come off easily.
    Don't let the glue dry on the papers!

    Yarn and wires and a fish line
  12. Carefully fold your wires and place in the tubes and voila!  A newly decorated tube container is pretty and ready to hold your wires!
    Yay!  First tube done!The other side

I hope yours turned out well too, if not better!

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